Patient Stories
Some patients who have used the service agreed to share their story and experiences they can be found in the following videos.
This is Bec's story

A recovering patient of the service wanted to express her story of having an eating disorder, you can read her story here. She is a South-Asian British recovering anorexic and has also written a personal reflection on eating disorders among the South-Asian population.
What patients have to say about the service and their experiences .....
I feel very appreciative of the support I've received. It's been positive, helpful and hopeful when I was very low. I've made a lot of progress, thanks to all.
I am also grateful for the whole process from start to finish, the eating disorders clinic is easy to access, has a professional but friendly atmosphere and is a much needed service for people like me. I only wish i'd of been aware of these services when I was younger.
Nine months ago I believed I was fighting a losing battle and that no one would be able to help me. Your service and my therapist have literally saved my life. My therapist has been completely professional throughout but still made me feel I had the friend I desperately needed. Thank you all.
Really good service that has helped me endlessly and given me the guidance to continue helping myself. Staff are friendly.
This service has made me understand more how my body reacts and thinks and has made me look at things in a different perspective. I know I am not cured and this is a long process but at least I have something to aim for, goals and I know what my triggers are and I'm finding ways to counteract them. Something I would not have done if it wasn't for this service. So thank you!
I have been fortunate to have received regular therapy...My health (mental, physical, emotional & spiritual) has improved considerably. My involvement with the service has been life changing in so many ways and I am so grateful to all the staff with whom I have come into contact, a gifted professional team who complement each other.
A previous patient recently did a TEDx talk on her journey to recovery and she has given permission for us to include on our website in the hope it raises awareness and understanding to other sufferers. The video is below. (Please note the intellectual property of the video remains with C.Pawley)