Information Leaflets
Useful Resources and contacts A list of useful resources and contacts.
Dental Care Dental information for patients with eating disorders.
Driving & Eating Disorders Information for patients with eating disorders about driving.
Excessive Laxative Use Information about the excessive use of laxatives.
Hypoglycaemia (Low Blood Sugar) Information about low blood sugar and the problems that may result from it.
Low Body Weight Information about the problems that may result from maintaining a low body weight.
Menstrual Disturbance Information about menstrual disturbance that may occur if suffering from an eating disorder.
Osteoporosis Information about the physical problem osteoporosis, which can result from eating an inadequate diet and maintaining a low body weight.
Repeated Vomiting Information about some of the physical problems that may result from repeated vomiting.
Vitamin & Mineral Supplements Information and advice about vitamin and mineral supplements for eating disorder sufferers.
Coping with Celebrations Advice for carers and families on supporting patients with their eating over Christmas and celebrations.
Welfare Rights Information about the welfare rights advice available in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Unhealthy Exercise Information about what unhealthy exercise is, the consequences of it and what healthy exercise looks like
Pregnancy & Eating Disorders Information for those who are pregnant and suffering from an eating disorder.
Hormones & Eating disorders Information about the effects of eating disorders on hormones.
Gastrointestinal Problems in eating disorders Information about the gastrointestinal problems experienced in eating disorder.
Vomiting & your health Information on the effects of regular vomiting and challenges some of the myths around vomiting.
Mental Health Medication Advice Information on where you can seek specialist advice on mental health medication.